"KLIM has been one of the most active beat makers in the scene during the years. He's been creating such a great & exciting discography. The new album is titled 'Snippets Of Life' with a vision to embrace all the listeners with warm soft rhythms & classic boom-bap styled beats. There's 14 stunning beats composed by the man himself on the MPC 2000xl & Roland SP404 in Kiev, Ukraine.
Make sure to grab a copy of this 12" during the times we're living in. Everyone on the movement advice you to stay and high blessings to your family. This is a Limited Edition press from Qrates.
Digital release will be available on all platforms on April 16th. Published under the NINETOFIVE® catalog."
I hope you like it
I try for you
"KLIM has been one of the most active beat makers in the scene during the years. He's been creating such a great & exciting discography. The new album is titled 'Snippets Of Life' with a vision to embrace all the listeners with warm soft rhythms & classic boom-bap styled beats. There's 14 stunning beats composed by the man himself on the MPC 2000xl & Roland SP404 in Kiev, Ukraine.
Make sure to grab a copy of this 12" during the times we're living in. Everyone on the movement advice you to stay and high blessings to your family. This is a Limited Edition press from Qrates.
Digital release will be available on all platforms on April 16th. Published under the NINETOFIVE® catalog."
I hope you like it
I try for you