Back with a Vengeance!

Now that you are here let me tell you something, one of my best-selling Albums will get (or not) a vinyl treatment thanks to you, this soundtrack includes my Aggressively famous track N.W.H, remastered, for the movie and the soundtrack, yeah that one from Hotline Miami 2, plus 'Streets of fire' the ending tune for your inner hero, and way more tracks that I can't even remember right now, we needed double vinyl because its too big! even if you haven't seen the movie, which is one of the best things I've ever had the honor to make music for, this soundtrack takes you away literally to the Streets of vengeance, neon, exploitation and gruesome violence, Streets of Vengeance is out now at Amazon for rent if you haven't seen it yet, so I don't really want to make this longer if you are here is because you know what's up, lets hope this gets complete so you can enjoy this Carpenteresque Synthwave soundtrack alone with someone or with your inner demons!

All orders will be shipped as soon as we hit 200 pre-orders (if we don't hit it you will NOT be charged for your order) -Please share this around so we can make it happen!

Worldwide Shipping!

Now that you are here let me tell you something, one of my best-selling Albums will get (or not) a vinyl treatment thanks to you, this soundtrack includes my Aggressively famous track N.W.H, remastered, for the movie and the soundtrack, yeah that one from Hotline Miami 2, plus 'Streets of fire' the ending tune for your inner hero, and way more tracks that I can't even remember right now, we needed double vinyl because its too big! even if you haven't seen the movie, which is one of the best things I've ever had the honor to make music for, this soundtrack takes you away literally to the Streets of vengeance, neon, exploitation and gruesome violence, Streets of Vengeance is out now at Amazon for rent if you haven't seen it yet, so I don't really want to make this longer if you are here is because you know what's up, lets hope this gets complete so you can enjoy this Carpenteresque Synthwave soundtrack alone with someone or with your inner demons!

All orders will be shipped as soon as we hit 200 pre-orders (if we don't hit it you will NOT be charged for your order) -Please share this around so we can make it happen!

Worldwide Shipping!

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dethwave is forever

Streets of Vengeance

Vestron Vulture
12” Special vinyl (45 rpm)
~$ 10.56 Shipping to United States
Estimated Shipping Date
Your order will ship from our warehouse within 3-5 business days after the order has been processed.
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